What is an AnyTech Anyway?

At Accelera, we use the label “AnyTech” a lot. But the term, while a seemingly straightforward combination of “any” and “tech,” might seem obvious — any kind of technology — it’s actually a powerful compound word. 

Here’s what it means to us: AnyTechs are leading technology providers that offer innovative product solutions, often in a precise capacity , that solve business problems. Often, they are referred by the nomenclature of their industry such as FinTech, PayTech, RegTech, WealthTech, InsureTech — you get the idea. Because these providers hail from multiple industries and offer myriad solutions, we affectionately call them “AnyTechs.” 

Essentially, these tech providers are the opposite of a one-size-fit-all product — and that’s a very good thing for our clients. AnyTechs have a focused purpose, allowing them to deliver what they’re good at, what they are designed specifically to do. That makes them both efficient and cost-effective. 

AnyTechs are the lifeblood of our Ecosystem, where clients build their own bespoke solutions for their unique business needs. This space empowers clients to leverage the cutting-edge products and services of leading AnyTechs without the need for large IT budgets or technical expertise. This levels the playing field and democratizes access to technology and services. 

So how do we determine what AnyTechs to bring onboard to Accelera? It starts with determining needs, from both a customer and a business perspective. As Head of Advisory and Channel Partnerships, I have the honour of working with our clients to identify potential AnyTechs to solve their business problems, as well as networking in the industry to identify the most innovative AnyTechs. 

Our selection criteria is simple: Does the AnyTech provide the best solution to the problem we want to solve? We work with a variety of partners with various technologies, capabilities, geographic reach, flexibility, and industry applications. And we also seek out partners that share our vision of open data and composable architecture and provide the greatest flexibility within these spaces. It’s the best fit we’re after. When we find it, we partner with the AnyTech and do the heavy lifting to integrate it into our ecosystem (nothing for the client to worry about, including cost). 

Choosing AnyTechs might seem daunting at first; there’s a lot to think about, so many to choose from. The most important consideration, however, is the product’s capability to solve a problem or enable a desired functionality. For clients we also recommend reviewing their data ownership and access, and residency —access to and control of your data is key.  

The good news? We can help with all of this. Because just “any tech” will not provide the flexibility and bespoke solution you need for your unique situation. A carefully researched, rigorously vetted, and hand-picked “AnyTech” — that’s what we trust with your business. 

 Written by: Jennifer Jarvis, Head of Advisory and Channel Partnership


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